We appreciate that when in a new relationship legal matters are rarely at the forefront of your mind.
When a relationship however, looks to move into a new phase, be that cohabitation or marriage that is an important time to consider getting some legal advice.
We can help with this by the drafting of suitable agreements to be used only in the event that things do not work out as planned.
For unmarried couples looking to move in or buy a house together, having some thought to what would happen if you were to separate is both practical and important.
A Cohabitation Agreement setting out how the property is to be held, solo or joint tenancy for a rented property? Tenants in Common or joint tenants for a house being purchased? Who will pay for what?
In the event of a separation who would stay and who would go? How will house contents be dealt with? These are issues worth agreeing and recording up front.
For married couples would a “pre-nup” be appropriate? These are particularly popular where parties have either been married or in a long term relationship before, have children and wealth of their own or where one party is significantly financially stronger than the other We also come across plenty of couples who have loans from parents or other family members or who are due to receive inheritances and this can be a trigger for getting some advice.
We always recommend that when you experience important life changes be that entering into a serious new relationship or coming out of one, you take the time to review your Will. We have colleagues in our Wills and Probate Department who can help draft Wills to cover all circumstances.
If you would like further information or to talk to one of our team of family lawyers at Wrigley Claydon please call us on 0161 624 6811.
Please refer to their individual profiles to see their respective areas of expertise: Rhona Royle supported by her secretary, Jill Foster