Fraption is absorbing a higher premium cost to secure a lower interest rate for a certain time as an investment strategy.
Fraption is absorbing a higher premium cost to secure a lower interest rate for a certain time as an investment strategy.
Fraud is actions that are designed to manipulate someone into giving someone else something of value or important information such as bank details.
A Fraudulent Claim is the intentional use of false information in filing a claim.
Fraudulent Concealment is the intent to deceive or defraud in a contractual arrangement by deliberate hiding, nondisclosure, or suppression of a material fact or circumstance legally or morally bound to reveal.
Free Enterprise is an economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control.
Freedom of speech and expression are recognised under the European Convention of Human Rights as fundamental human rights. There is no agreed official definition but generally speaking Free Speech refers to the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, by any means. Most people would agree that in an open,…
Free Trade is the buying and selling, importing and exporting of goods and services, not capital or labor, that has no limits or quotas or barriers or unbalanced tariffs.
Free Trade Agreement is the buying and selling, importing and exporting of goods and services, not capital or labor, between two or more countries that have no limits or quotas or barriers or unbalanced tariffs.
Freedom of Information is a citizen right to governmental information, requested in writing. Refuseals must be returned in writing. Reason for refusal can be requested, in writing.