Good SAM App

Good SAM is a community of Good Samaritans, happy to assist if they are the closest person to an emergency. They are trained in first aid and may have additional skills. Many are off duty doctors, nurses, paramedics and other members of the emergency services. If you are trained in first aid, you can download the GoodSAM Responder App. You’ll then…

Unfair Probate Fee Hike Scrapped

The Government has thankfully abandoned plans to increase the probate fees which would have seen a rise from the current fixed fee of £155 (with a solicitor) or £255 to a sliding scale of up to £6000 depending on the size of the state. Several organisations including the Law Society vigorously campaigned against the proposed…

Glasgow Coma Scale

The Glasgow coma scale (GCS) is a tool used to assess and calculate a patient’s level of consciousness. It was developed in 1974 by two neurosurgeons in Glasgow and is continued to be used today.   The GCS was initially used to assess the level of consciousness in patients after head injury, but the scale…

Liverpool FC fail in move to trademark the word ‘Liverpool’

Liverpool FC’s attempt to trademark the word “Liverpool” has been rejected by the government’s Intellectual Property Office (IPO) due to the “geographical significance” of the city. The trademark attempt sparked outrage within the club’s own fanbase, as well as the Liverpool mayor. Liverpool FC said: they would “continue to aggressively pursue those large-scale operations which seek to illegally…